An Integrated Approach to Marketing Orthopedic and Neuroscience Service Lines
Blending the perspective of two physicians and two marketing healthcare professionals, this book:
- Provides a detailed road map for marketing and promoting today's integrated orthopedics and neurosciences service line
- Brings together best marketing practices with best clinical practices
- Explains why the customer's point of view must be your marketing point of view
- Outlines why marketing must be a collaborative, ongoing activity that involves the entire organization
View the Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Changing Landscape
Chapter 2: When Marketing and Operations Become the Experience
Chapter 3: Marketing Intelligence and Intelligent Marketing: Effectively Using Market Information
Chapter 4: Positioning and Branding Your Service Line
Chapter 5: Blueprint Your Investment: The Ortho/Neuro Marketing Plan
Chapter 6: Marketing Communications and Promotion
Chapter 7: Mirror-Mirror: Internal Marketing
Chapter 8: A Peek Into the Future: Marketing Orthopedics and Neuroscience