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Unknown, AuthorHARCOURT SCHOOL PUBLISHERSScott, ForesmanHoughton, MifflinNational Learning CorporationHoughton, Mifflin, HarcourtSTEVENSON, ROBERT LOUISTherrian, Kari A.RH Value PublishingHolt, Rinehart, And WinstonLONDON, JACK.VARIOS, AutoresCharles RIver EditorsPrentice, HallCole, RobNational, Research CouncilBabadada GmbHWillow Creek PressThomas, NelsonGolden BooksDUMAS, ALEXANDRENational Geographic LearningMCGRAW-HILL EDUCATIONPARRAGON BOOKSCARROLL, LEWISDK PUBLISHINGTROLLOPE, ANTHONYBooks, KidKiddosPearson, EducationCicero, Marcus TulliusBrownTrout Publishers, Inc.DOYLE, ARTHUR CONANPOTTER, BEATRIXBaby ProfessorPOE, EDGAR ALLANBaum., L. FrankKalman, BobbieJohnson, SamuelHARDY, THOMASCHESTERTON, G.K.Peter Pauper PressCOOPER, JAMES FENIMOREGroup, BooksMACDONALD, GEORGEPriddy, RogerEnid, BlytonDEFOE, DANIELGale, Cengage LearningTOLSTOY, LEOAdmont, ShelleyHistory, CaptivatingAgatha, ChristieSTINE, R.L.Central, HealthELIOT, GEORGEMELVILLE, HERMANCharles, DickensRand, McNallyLANG, ANDREWALIGHIERI, DANTE