Get-Real Selling: Your Personal Coach for Real Sales Excellence
Shows salespeople what's at the heart “ and soul “ of customer-success driven selling in 55 punchy chapters: The success of your customer is your top priority. Packed with hundreds of those one good tips you find in a single sales book, this one's a fast, no-nonsense read from two pro's with 65 years' experience. Not-Real examples to help sellers spot and avoid unproductive, unprofessional patterns. Punchy, boiled-down points in short, 1-2 page chapters make it a great in-flight read that's both hard-hitting and spiritual. Shows how to increase personal and business value to customers and take selling to a higher level of Purpose. Selling Points: * Real/Not Real examples give salespeople hungry for growth. Pragmatic Dos and Don'ts “ pithy wisdom from pros. * Includes self-test, call preparation checklist, opportunity board, bibliography, executive summary