Reengineering Performance Measurement: How to Align Systems to Improve Processes, Products, and Profits (IRWIN/APICS SERIES IN PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT)
Reengineering Performance Measurement demonstrates how it is possible to integrate business functions and meet organizational goals by creating cross-functional performance measures for cost, quality, lead time, and delivery. Six thorough case studies of practices at Yamaha, Northern Telecom, Colgate-Palmolive, and others are featured. Each case study illustrates top performance measurement systems at work and provides sound guidance for effectively designing or reforming your own system.
Manufacturing executives and departmental managers can minimize conflict and wasted resources once they understand the relationship among organizational strategy, actions, and measurements. Reengineering Performance Measurement shows you how to use performance measurement systems to link business activities to company goals and, in turn, create a seamless, highly effective business unit.