Your Pregnancy After 35 Revised Edition
From the best-selling authors of Your Pregnancy Week by Week, must-have pregnancy information for the 1 in 3 women who will become pregnant after 30.
Women who conceive after thirty tend to encounter special circumstances associated with their pregnancies and require information targeted especially to their experience. They are more likely to have more difficulty achieving pregnancy and to undergo more tests after pregnancy is confirmed than women in their twenties. Written by a practicing obstetrician, Your Pregnancy after 30 is the most up-to-date medical resource available for this audience. Topics include achieving pregnancy after thirty, multiple births, managing fatigue, tests for baby and mother, nutrition and weight management, and exercise-all written with the most current medical therapies and recommendations firmly in place.
Because women in this age group who become pregnant frequently work outside the home, social matters affecting them are also covered: preparing for a leave of absence from a job, how pregnancy affects your partner, challenges facing the single mother, preparing to return to work, how to investigate childcare options. This comprehensive guide is the only such book that a woman over thirty needs to read during her pregnancy.