Mommy Had a Little Flask (The Tales of Imperfection Series)
In the hilarious sequel to the bestselling "momoir" This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store, A.K. Turner returns with the mayhem of motherhood. From preschoolers blurting obscenities in public places to living with her in-laws in Mexico, Mommy Had a Little Flask delivers a delightfully raw and honest account of family life in Turner's latest laugh-out-loud confessional.Praise for A.K. Turner"It's rare for a writer to actually make me laugh out loud, but A.K. Turner does just that." -Robin O'Bryant, author of Ketchup is a Vegetable & Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves"I laughed out loud at Mommy Had a Little Flask, but make no mistake, this book is equally heartfelt and humorous as A.K. Turner delves into all the wonders, challenges and horrifying playground moments of parenting--the most extreme sport there is." -Cameron Morfit, Sports Illustrated"Empty bladder before reading." -Laurie Notaro, New York Times bestselling author of The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club."Witty, honest and funny as hell. Fans of This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store are guaranteed to have another great time." -Holand Peterson, author of the Eville seriesThis Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store "candidly reveals and revels in the flaws and dysfunctions of the author and her family. Turner is not afraid to voice her private thoughts and never takes herself too seriously... refreshingly honest." -Publishers Weekly "Did Erma Bombeck ever guzzle vodka? If she did, she might have come close to the ribald domestic humor in Turner's "momoir" This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store." -The Quivering Pen"The perfect cross between Nora Ephron, David Sedaris, and Chelsea Handler." -Elaine Ambrose, Menopause Sucks."If laughing at ourselves is the best medicine, then reading A.K. Turner will ensure you live long enough to drive your own kids crazy."-Stacy Dymalski, comedienne and author of Confessions of a Band Geek Mom