The Ab Revolution Fourth Edition - No More Crunches No More Back Pain
Stop Back Pain. Healthier Exercise, Healthier Daily Life. The Ab Revolution is an important sports medicine method to quickly stop one major source of lower back pain, and build healthier movement into all you do. Part I teaches how to stop hyperlordosis, a slouch that causes one of the most common kinds of back pain. Part II uses this technique for healthy core and whole body exercise, stretch, and strength from simple to challenging, with no forward bending that hurts discs or practices bent-forward posture. Healthy core training uses neutral spine and avoids both unhealthful flexion and hyperlordosis. New Fourth Edition is reorganized to get you started more quickly, and includes many new topics including golf, pregnancy, and others, explained step-by-step, plus many new photo instructions. By Jolie Bookspan, MEd, PhD, FAWM, award winning scientist.