Linking Reading Assessment to Instruction: An Application Worktext for Elementary Classroom Teachers
This worktext applies current theory to classroom practice by providing, in each chapter, a brief explanation of major concepts followed by guided practical experience in administering, scoring, and interpreting reading assessment techniques. Like the popular previous editions, the Fourth Edition:
*emphasizes the use of assessment and diagnosis for instructional decision making--rather than for simply giving grades;
*stresses the use of informal assessment techniques--reflecting the current emphasis in educational assessment theories--but also includes coverage of standardized test scores;
*provides both classroom-tested results and interpretations of the data, giving students step-by-step experience in administering, scoring, and interpreting assessment techniques; and
*includes numerous "hands-on" activities.
For children to be good readers, they must be taught phonemic awareness, phonics skills, how to read fluently, and how to apply comprehension strategies. Linking Reading Assessment to Instruction: An Application Worktext for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Fourth Edition, covers all four areas. This text is designed for undergraduate or graduate reading methods courses that include a diagnosis component, reading diagnosis courses, exceptional education courses, and inservice courses on reading/literacy development.
Changes in the Fourth Edition:
*discussion of the text's relationship to the areas of reading proposed by the National Reading Panel Report: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension;
*updated "Suggested Readings" for all chapters;
*additional references to diagnostic assessments for word-analysis skills and spelling stages;
*additional grouping scenarios;
*new section on determining a diagnostic path, with instructional suggestions;
*relevant ESOL information added in several places; and
*revised Instructor's Manual includes more activities.