Fitness For Dummies
What exactly is new in fitness? In the exercise world, there’s something new in equipment, research, classes, gadgets, videos, and Web sites just about every day. The last few years have also seen the invention and marketing of new schlock—like pills that claim to eliminate cellulite or burn extra carbohydrates and machines that purport to tone your thighs “without any effort on your part.” It’s all too easy to get confused by all the myths and mixed messages out there.
But don’t sweat it! This thoroughly revised edition of Fitness For Dummies updates you on all the latest—the good, the bad, and the bizarre—tackles your fears about getting fit, and gives you the knowledge and motivation to stick with fitness for the rest of your life. Renowned fitness experts Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent show you how to:
- Test your fitness level and set realistic goals
- Pinpoint fat sources in your diet
- Create a personalized fitness program
- Find Internet fitness forums and Web sites
- Brave a public gym
This is your essential get-fit guide, covering state-of-the-art fitness techniques, equipment, programs, and health clubs in a practical, friendly way. You’ll see how your individualized fitness program will help you strengthen your heart and lungs, burn lots of calories, lower your stress level, and even help you stay injury-free. You get the latest on low-carb eating, new food pyramids, the glycemic index and trans fats, and new carb guidelines. Plus, you’ll see how to:
- Take advantage of hot trends like Yoga and circuit training
- Incorporate weight training in your workout
- Choose the best fitness equipment for your home gym
- Stay fit at all ages and stages
Complete with a list of ten great fitness investments under $100 (and ten fitness ripoffs!) as well as proven ways to stay motivated, Fitness For Dummies, Third Edition is your one-stop guide to a slim, trim new you!