2002 State by State Guide to Human Resources Law (State By State Guide to Human Resource Law, 2002)
Now you can find the employment laws of all 50 states -- literally at the turn of a page. Completely updated, this invaluable guide has been revised to cover every vital aspect of employment law...and to reflect the changes enacted by state legislatures over the past year. Find out your state's position on frequently contested employment practices literally in minutes. Through the use of dozens of charts and tables -- as well as convenient referencing features -- STATE BY STATE GUIDE TO HUMAN RESOURCES gives you immediate access to vital information on state employment laws for all 50 states. You'll find special attention given to: Affirmative Action requirements and validity of affirmative action provisions under state laws State rules on compensatory time and holiday pay New ergonomics standards Prohibitions against disability-related postemployment inquiries and medical exams State new-hire reporting requirements Employment at will Wage and hour laws (including penalty provisions) Fair employment laws Group health insurance Continuation of benefits Drug, AIDS, and polygraph testing Parental leave Workers' compensation Unemployment benefits Smoking ordinances Older Workers Benefit Protection Act ADA FMLA Plus, The guide provides complete citations To The original source for every law and regulation discussed, So you'll know precisely where to go for further research.To view author's special update, Click Here To view author's special update, Click Here