Eugenio Carmi : Three Billon Zeros
Eugenio Carmi, born in Genoa in 1920, calls himself a "manufacturer of images." Others call him one of the most quietly significant forces in twentieth-century Italian art. He studied under Felice Casorati and worked his way up through the graphic art world, which still influences his fine art. From 1958 to 1965, he was responsible for Italsider's corporate image; in 1966 he participated in the Venice Bienniale; in 1973, he created a 25-minute experimental program--completely abstract--for the Rai television network. He may be best known for the illustrations he has created for Umberto Eco's stories, published alongside them in Italy and in many other countries. His geometric compositions and careful but confident use of color make him a bellwether of Italian taste.