Breaking Free From Diet Prison: Common Sense Keto and Low Carb
The process of dieting is usually to do it and get it done. However, life and the way we live it, are never done. We try to diet - maybe even dozens of times - and then finally give up, sadly on ourselves.Breaking Free From Diet Prison: A Common Sense Approach to Keto and Low Carb, explains how certain foods influence your mind and body, causing you to want more, crave more and stay hungry. Learning to limit these foods will establish and strengthen your ability to identify true hunger signals so that you can let go of the tedious practice of weighing, measuring and tracking your food intake. Intuitive eating will finally make sense to you as you learn to trust what your body and mind are telling you about food.This book uses a three-pillar approach: Education, Practical Applications and Mindfulness Practices. The Education pillar will provide the science behind successful weight loss. Exercises in the Practical Application pillar include everything from goal setting to grocery shopping. The Mindfulness Practices encompass many techniques, such as learning to sit with (instead of act upon) urges and to get free of your negative self talk.If you have struggled with weight loss in the past, then Breaking Free From Diet Prison: A Common Sense Approach to Keto and Low Carb is for you.