My Place for Success
Research has shown time and time again that keeping a food and exercise journal is thesingle most effective behavior in successful weight loss/maintenance. If you are moreaware of what you are eating and have to record it somewhere, you just end up eatingless! In My Place for Success, you’ll find a place to record your nutrition, your fitness,and more. You’ll also have a place to record your scripture verse for the week and pagesfor journaling. Journaling is much more than a writing exercise. It is an invaluable sourceof encouragement and help in attaining spiritual growth. As you study God’s Word, dailyjournaling both reinforces and expands upon the lessons you’ve learned. This makes iteasier to reach the goal of a life that is balanced in the four key areas of life: emotional,spiritual, mental and physical.In My Place for Success, you’ll have a place to:• Easily record your nutrition: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.• Keep track of your daily activity and exercises.• Record your scripture verse for the week.• Be inspired by a daily motivational word.• Get creative with coloring art on the journal pages.• Journal your prayers and thoughts on your life, study and wellness journey.• Answer questions that lead you to gratitude and reflection on your goals.FIRST PLACE FOR HEALTH believes in the power of Christ to ignite radical,transformative change in our lives, which includes our physical health. Though the journeyis never easy, we are committed to helping others pursue whole-person wellness by lookingto Christ as our ultimate sustainer, keeping His Word at the core of our identity, andcultivating a dedicated community defined by truth and grace.