Bert and I/More Bert and I: And Other Stories From Downeast
The iconic Bert and I stories were first created by Yale University students Marshall Dodge and Robert Bryan in the late 1950s and performed around campus. The two amateur storytellers soon recorded a short ten-inch album of eleven stories for friends and family, but ultimately pressed just a few hundred. However, growing popularity prompted them in 1958 to record and release the seminal commercial album of New England humor and storytelling-Bert and I ... And Other Stories From Down East. Featuring nineteen stories, the album depicted Maine fishermen and woodsmen with dry, classic humor and set the tone and direction of the genre for decades. The duo then made More Bert and I, adding fourteen more stories, telling tales of New England characters and situations with extra-dry wit and subtle humor. This CD combines the original Bert and I album and More Bert and I into one CD.