Who's Buying for Pets, 12th ed.
The twelfth edition of Who s Buying for Pets is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey you can t get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend on pets by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the demographics of the best and biggest customers at a glance. The categories examined in this report are pet food; pet purchase, supplies, and medicine; pet services (e.g., grooming and dog walking); and veterinary services. New to this edition is a unique analysis of spending before (2000 to 2006) and after (2006 to 2013) the Great Recession.