Who's Buying Health Care, 11th ed.
The eleventh edition of Who s Buying Health Care is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013 Consumer Expenditure Survey you can t get these data online. It examines how much Americans spend out-of-pocket on health care by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the demographics of the best and biggest customers at a glance. The products and services examined in this report fall within the categories of health insurance, medical services (lab tests, dental and physician services, etc.), drugs (prescription, nonprescription, and vitamins), and medical supplies (eyeglasses and contact lenses, etc.). Also in this edition is a unique analysis of spending before (2000 to 2006) and after (2006 to 2013) the Great Recession.