Dancing The Flame of Life: The Vital Principles of Yoga
In this essential book, Dona Holleman blends her unique philosophy of yoga with substantial and detailed descriptions of the asanas. First published as 'Dancing the Body of Light' (from which the central chapter on asana is reprinted) this new edition contains about one third completely new material and an audio recording.
Drawing from over 50 years of experience in yoga practice and teaching, Dona's ambitious and uncompromising book, written in a crisp, clear and no-nonsense style, is a must for all serious yoga practitioners and teachers.
Includes 'Flame of Freedom', a 5-part audio CD of Dona Holleman talking about peripheral vision and hearing, breathing and other topics complementing the book, including practical exercises.
Dona Holleman started studying Oriental philosophy at the age of 12 while living on the island of Java. When she came in contact with yoga in the 50s, it immediatly became her main path. In the mid 60s she met and studied with BKS Iyengar, and has since spent the last 40 years exploring the various aspects of yoga in her own practice and teaching. Her belief is that the final answer lies within the body, and that each human being has to find this for him or herself alone, guided by the inner light and teacher which is in each of us.
"This well-conceived and substantial volume is an excellent manual on spiritually based Hatha Yoga, which will benefit all advanced Yoga students."
-- Yoga World, Dr. Georg Fuerstein.