20th Century Battlefields
Punctuated by powerful eyewitness testimony, this compelling and often shocking narrative highlights the strategy of military commanders as well as the experience of men on the frontline. Whether located in the apocalyptic terrain of the Western Front, or the hidden guerilla tunnels of Vietnam, this history reveals that these battles were shaped not just by distant military commanders but by men fighting on the frontline. What were the key factors that swayed the course of victory? Was it sheer grit and determination, military intelligence, or strategic initiative? To answer these questions the authors take us into the heat of the action when the battles were poised on a knife edge and split-second decisions determined their outcome. During the course of the 20th century, military warfare reached unimaginable levels of intensity, scale, and cost. Looking back at the most violent century in history, the authors also examine the challenges facing armed forces in the future. Richly illustrated with archive photographs and more than 40 detailed maps, this compelling and astonishing account recreates the landscape of warfare.