Cultivate: The Power of Winning Relationships
From the Author\nAre you
Working with a difficult colleague? Plagued with the worst of office politics, shifting alliances and silos? Looking to take your career to the next level?Then Cultivate.ThePower of Winning Relationships is for you!You cannot be successful in business, or in life, unless you are successful in cultivating your professional relationships.\nRead Cultivate and you will discover the powerful secret to personal and professional success - it's all about your relationships. This step-by-step guide will ensure you Identify the critical relationships that can either help, or hinder you, in achieving your goals. Apply the Relationship Ecosystem™ to diagnose the health of your professional relationships. Develop an Ally Mindset that will help you to build and nurture your "Ally Relationships." Create lasting relationships that go beyond the transactional and superficial level to deliver transformational results.The world of work is a team sport, you cannot high perform alone. You need the support, insight and advice of trusted advisors, your Allies. In Cultivate. The Power of Winning Relationships, I show you how to nurture Ally Relationships, those who will hold you accountable, increase your impact and accelerate your success.\nBusiness is Personal. Relationships Matter!\nIn this informative and accessible book, Morag Barrett shares exceptional knowledge on why a business plan and the newest product mean nothing if you don’t have your people aligned to execute the plan. Leaders rarely fail because of lack of technical ability, but do so because they don’t cultivate effective working relationships. The people skills, the so-called “soft skills,” are what get the “hard goods” delivered. Employees may join organizations because of the brand or the benefits, but they invariably choose to leave because of poor relationships. With pragmatic models and examples, Barrett shows us the four relationship behaviors and their dynamics that are at work in companies—and in life. High-level, smart information abounds in Cultivate, but so, too, does Barrett’s generous outlook and philosophy. You will learn to identify Allies, Supporters, Rivals, and Adversaries, and how to turn Adversaries into Supporters and Supporters into Allies. “Reflect on your talents and strengths. Be proud of them. When you are having a bad day (and we all do), this is the time to return to these anchors, to remind ourselves that moments of weakness, moments of missed expectations, are just that—moments. Be an Ally to yourself.” The relationship lessons you’ll learn in Cultivate will stay with you long after you’ve finished the book.