Life Begins When You Do
-Is there ever a perfect time to start living your dream life...yes, it is now. Don't waste another day. -12 short chapters detail secrets of a fulfilled life, from "Live With Intention" to "Choose With No Regret". -An ideal gift of inspiration for anyone looking to change their thinking and their life. Are you putting off living the life you've always longed for? Mary Anne Radmacher invites you to begin the true work of your life right now. Do you find yourself saying, "When things slow down...when I finish my degree...when I get I acquire a deeper knowledge base...when I have kids...when the kids are grown...when I get well...when I marry...when I divorce...when I retire...when I get that promotion, that raise, that job, that house, that whatever the fill-in-the blank is for your specific postponing of life..." Your Life Begins When You Do.