Marketing Management, Third Edition
Instructor Required Material
This COMPLETE textbook includes not only the paperback copy textbook new, but also contains the Online Study Guide Edition. This is a complete interactive study guide with quizzing functionality that reports to the instructor. This text also has animated figures and graphs that bring the print graphic to life for deeper understanding. The complete text is available word for word online as well, so you do not have to bring the print copy to class or with you as you travel.
What do students say about the Atomic Dog Online Study Guide?
Survey Results
80% of students found that the end-of chapter quizzes helped them review and prepare for exams.
Among students using the Online Study Guide Edition, 72% found that interactive figures (animations, video, audio) made concept easier to understand than images or text.
Among students using the Online Study Guide Edition, 82% found that studying with the online text improved their overall learning experience.