Raw Pork and Hardtack: A Civil War Memoir from Manassas to Appomattox (Civil War Heritage Series, V. 10)
Robert Catlett Cave of Orange County, Virginia, promised his dying father that he would serve Virginia as long as she might need his services. He joined the Montpelier Guard, Co. A., Thirteenth Virginia Infantry Regiment, Army of Northern Virginia, C.S.A. This unit participated in more than seventy various types of engagements during his career - from Manassas to Appomattox. In his brilliant, vivid and fascinating story of his Civil War experiences, a member of General "Stonewall" Jackson's "foot cavalry" takes you through four years of battles and engagements with eyewitness accounts of fierce and bloody combat. He was wounded twice and his narrative brings the "Rebel Yell" to life. During the four years of the conflict, the killing fields of Virginia saw sixty-five percent of all the fighting that occurred in the course of the war.