Handheld Computers and Smartphones in Secondary Schools: A Guide to Hands-On Learning
Ready or not, here they come! Intelligent mobile devices-many offering wireless connectivity and the memory and processing power of a desktop computer-are finding their way to schools in record numbers, and innovative teachers around the country are discovering their immense educational potential. This hands-on guide, written by handheld guru and bestselling author Bard Williams, provides teachers with everything they need to know to go mobile with their kids: classroom management strategies, professional development ideas, hardware and software reviews, and practical classroom exercises that get the most out of handheld computers.
Descriptions of common handheld features and functions and guidelines for selecting the right model for secondary school classrooms
Tips for choosing and using the best handheld software for productivity and subject area teaching
Ready-to-use activities that model effective use of handheld technologies in all secondary school content areas