Preparing Teachers to Use Technology
Preparing Teachers to Use Technology shows teacher educators how to effectively integrate technology into the lessons they plan for training novice and inservice teachers. Like Connecting Curriculum and Technology, Preparing Teachers is the product of writing teams that have brought together best practices from all over the United States. Professors of education, curriculum directors, technology coordinators, and others have hammered out cogent, usable modeling activities suitable for methods classes as well as inservice sessions.
32 multicultural learning activities covering all core content areas and grade levels
6 learning activities for educational foundation courses
Separate chapters detailing model strategies for technology integration, teacher preparation, and professional development
Topics include:
-teacher training
-technology integration
-curriculum design
-NETS for Teachers
-teacher education
Also available:
Web 2.0: New Tools, New Schools - ISBN 1564842347
English Language Arts Units for Grades 9-12 - ISBN 1564842401
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is the trusted source for professional development, knowledge generation, advocacy and leadership for innovation. ISTE is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving teaching and learning by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education. Home of the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS), the Center for Applied Research in Educational Technology (CARET), and ISTE's annual conference (formerly known as the National Educational Computing Conference, or NECC), ISTE represents more than 100,000 professionals worldwide. We support our members with information, networking opportunities, and guidance as they face the challenge of transforming education.
Some of the areas in which we publish are:
-Web. 2.0 in the classroom-RSS, podcasts, and more
-National Educational Technology Standards (NETS)
-Professional development for educators and administrators
-Integrating technology into the classroom and curriculum
-Safe practices for the Internet and technology
-Educational technology for parents