Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, (TPBA2)
SAVE when you order the complete TBPA/I2 3-volume set, with and without the forms CD.
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Second Edition (TPBA2) is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow process for assessing four critical developmental domains—sensorimotor, emotional and social, communication, and cognitive—through observation of the child's play with family members, peers, and professionals. In this volume, early childhood professionals will get
- step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for a successful assessment
- practical guidelines on how to conduct every part of the observation and gather qualitative information about the child's skills
- the clearest research-based explanations of birth-to-six child development
- detailed age tables (expanded and updated for this edition) that show what typical development looks like month by month and enable identification of child skill levels for quantitative data documentation
- vivid examples that illustrate key behaviors and challenges in assessment
- new tools and process guidelines for obtaining information from parents
The thoroughly updated second edition of TPBA2 features
- Strong foundation in DEC and NAEYC guidelines
- OSEP child outcomes crosswalk
- Expanded content on critical topics such as literacy, vision, hearing, and daily living skills
- Explicit links between assessment and intervention
With TPBA2, professionals will find it even easier to conduct accurate observations, address child and family needs, and use assessment information to inform intervention.
Learn more about the TPBA and TPBI system, and discover Toni Linder's play-based curriculum, Read, Play, and Learn!®.
Watch a recorded webcast on the TPBA/I system
See how this product helps strengthen Head Start program quality and school readiness.