Easy Makes Us Weak: Forging Mental Toughness, Resilience and Character (1)
Have you ever wondered if you had what it took to survive some of the most intense training in the world? This inspiring book chronicles a man's unique experience in a life-changing program called Kokoro, a 50+ hour non-stop training crucible modelled after the U.S. Navy SEALs' Hell Week. Kokoro has been called the toughest civilian training program in the world. It is a fascinating and funny story of what it took to prepare for and survive such an event. As the author takes you through his journey to prepare for this gruelling event across the 5 Mountains of Development (Physical, Mental, Emotional, Intuitional and Heart / Mind, non-quitting Spirit), you will learn how to develop in these areas in your own life. Whether you are looking to engage in the severe test of Kokoro or other SEALFIT events, or are embarking on a journey to develop as a complete person, Easy Makes Us Weak will show you how to do just that so that you gain mental toughness, increase your resistance, and build your character.