Oversight of Department of Defense Reconstruction Projects in Afghanistan: Statement of John F. Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Since its creation in 2008, SIGAR has issued 37 inspection reports examining 45 DOD reconstruction projects with a combined value of about $1.1 billion. The projects were located in 15 of Afghanistan's 34 provinces, and included 16 Afghan National Police (ANP) and 13 Afghan National Army (ANA) bases, 5 schools, 3 medical facilities, 3 incinerator locations, 2 storage facilities, 1 road, 1 bridge, and 1 electrical plant. These projects do not constitute a representative sample of all DOD reconstruction projects. As a result, we do not use our findings to draw conclusions about the full population of DOD reconstruction projects. However, our findings provide valuable insight into the varying quality of projects that exist and the reasons for these project outcomes. Figure 1 shows the location of each of the 45 DOD reconstruction projects we inspected.