BROADNECK HUNDRED: Life and Times Between the Severn and the Magothy
It’s been forty years since the Broadneck Jaycees published the treasure Broadneck: Maryland’s Historic Peninsula, and a bit longer since the editor published much local history in the Annapolitan Magazine and in Broad Neck Hundred Magazine. Our purpose has been to republish almost all of that rapidly disappearing material and more. It is the editor's opinion that the hallmark of a healthy humanity is a genuine connection to our historical identity, and that this idea applies as much to local history as it does to national and world history. Readers will find out how whiskey stills proliferated around here during Prohibition from a Broadneckian who, as a young man, outran the revenuers on many occasions. They’ll learn about the charming adventures of the hillbillies who rented from Garfield Brice in the 1940s, the secrets of charter boat captain Gil Pumphrey, the first colonial settlement on the Severn in 1649, William Proctor’s buried treasure on Broadneck, the Chesapeake Bay ferryboats that were replaced by the Bay Bridge, the legacy of creosote magnate, Sylvester W. Labrot on Broadneck, and much more. The book also features Broadneck-centered fiction by award winning writer, Penrod Waterman, including his “Oysters and Gold,” “Super-Shrew Sophia,” and “The Slough Experiments.” And for the football enthusiasts, we have the all-time all-star Baltimore Colts selected by Jack Thomasson and carefully reviewed by the Colts' great all-pro guard from Broadneck, Alex Sandusky.