SIRFs Up - Catching the Next Wave in Marketing: The Story of How "Spend to Impact Response Functions" (SIRFS), Algorithms and Software Are Changing The Face of Marketing
SIRFs-Up engrosses the reader in the world of blue-chip marketers including Victoria’s Secret, AB-InBev, Coca-Cola, Cox Communications, MTV Networks, Nestlé and more. Behind each story is a core truth about what makes marketing effective, and insights about how to make it more effective. SIRFs-Up offers a front row seat to the next wave of marketing, and shares these advanced marketers’ secret sauce for how to catch the SIRF wave and profit from SIRF insights. Briggs writes this book in narrative form, taking at times complex ideas around ROI analytics, and making it interactive, easy to read, and stimulating. At the same time, the book provides practical tools and case studies that provide tangible benefit to marketers looking for a “how to guide” to profit from the new concepts revealed in the book. SIRFs-Up shows: • Precisely how and when content and social media came to be the foundation of marketing planning, and the role of a range of media in amplifying content. • That as much as 62 percent of marketing investment is under-utilized. • How SIRF based planning boosts marketing ROI by 30 percent or more. • How marketing software uses SIRFs to automate marketing planning and a range of decision-making. • How, in the midst of software and algorithms, to navigate a career in marketing by adding value as a “SIRF doctor.” • How SIRFs will move from the exclusive domain of the world’s largest marketers to the rest of marketers. • Deep case studies demonstrating how to apply the insights and tools uncovered in the book. • The advantages to the companies that are using SIRFs and are ahead of the wave of transformation. The book also points out that SIRFs have not yet realized their full potential to shape the hundreds of billions spent on marketing. But that transformation is happening, and therefore those that catch the wave will profit while those that miss it will find themselves washed out to sea as the wave of transformation based on marketing software and algorithms sweeps through industry.