The Transition from Sales and Operations Planning to Integrated Business Planning
Follow Jack Baxter, President of the fictional Global Products and Services, Inc., as he considers the business advantages of evolving Sales and Operations Planning into Integrated Business Planning. Jack takes steps to launch the IBP initiative and, once again, taps Mark Ryan, General Manager, to lead the effort.
Advance praise for The Transition from Sales and Operations Planning to Integrated Business Planning.
Torkel Rhenman, CEO, Lhoist Group: "Every executive who thinks he or she has control of their business should read this book. In working with George Palmatier, I used Integrated Business Planning to bring the entire executive team together to focus on delivering the turnaround of our business. We set financial and operational performance records for multiple years. I could not imagine running a business without the IBP process."
Roger Brooks, former Oliver Wight Principal: "Great book - it certainly relates to clients of mine. This book paints a really good picture of how to evolve the IBP process to concentrate on strategy deployment and financial integration.
The Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence; Sixth Edition The Sixth Edition of the Oliver Wight Class A Checklist for Business Excellence is used by companies worldwide to assess their business process performance. Score yourself against industry standard to measure your progress toward excellence.
Enterprise Sales and Operations Planning; Synchronizing Demand, Supply, and Resources for Peak Performance - Palmatier and Crum
Written in the form of a novel, this book focuses on a leadership team's experience in learning about Sales and Operations Planning. You will learn about the foundation upon which Integrated Business Planning is built. Enterprise Sales and Operations Planning is the precursor to The Transition from Sales and Operations Planning to Integrated Business Planning.
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