Knuckleball: A Baseball Fantasy
Imagine one day waking up and realizing you have fulfilled a childhood dream of becoming a major league pitcher. It is accomplished by being able to control a knuckleball pitch. However, you're not a young man, but a senior citizen. It is the remarkable story of what happened to Charlie Hawkins at the age of seventy-three. Not only is he suddenly transformed from a retired business executive into playing in the big leagues, but he also receives many nightly visits in his dreams from a guardian angel, assisting him in the transition and his spiritual development. However, his baseball journey becomes very rocky when a zealous sports writer decides that Charlie's talents of controlling his knuckleball pitch are unworldly. And the reporter begins a religious crusade to have Charlie banned from baseball. For baseball fans, this is a book they will enjoy reading. The work explains the origin of baseball and many of the familiar expressions that are used in the game such as, "bullpen", "southpaw", "can-of-corn," plus many others. Expressions that are used daily, but many are unaware of their origin. It has a surprise ending that you must promise not to reveal to anyone who will subsequently read it. Once you start reading the book, putting it down will be difficult.