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Interpersonal Conflict

Interpersonal Conflict image




Edition: 11
Released: Mar 26, 2021
Publisher: McGraw=Hill
Format: Hardcover, 416 pages
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"Revising this, the eleventh of edition of Interpersonal Conflict, brought me the opportunity to reflect on how the field has changed since I first began to research the field for my dissertation at the University of Texas in 1973. Since our first edition in 1978, conflict resolution has transformed into many subfields: peacemaking, third-party intervention, prevention of conflict, and the integration of personal transformation with interpersonal communication choices. This edition reflects many of the recent changes in the field. All chapters reflect recent research on interpersonal conflict. As has been our practice, I have removed earlier citations that are so foundational that they need not be specifically cited. All chapters have been revised and in some cases, reorganized and rewritten for readability and clarity. New additions of "How would this sound?" give examples of dialogue the students may use to enlarge their conflict communication. Clearer organization and subheadings guide the reader through the text. The book still contains the 10 chapters in the same order"--

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