The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Kennedy and Johnson
This collection of presidential briefing products, spanning the Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford presidential administrations, is the first large-scale release of its kind. The President's Intelligence Checklists (PICLs) [an acronym pronounced "pickles"] and The President's Daily Briefs (PDBs) in this collection include more than 4,000 documents spanning about 15 years. This is an unprecedented release because of the exclusiveness of the documents in the collection. These documents were, and still are "eyes only," all-source1 publications written specifically for the president; they summarize the day-to-day intelligence and analysis on current and future national security issues. In addition to the PDBs and PICLs, the collection includes The President's Intelligence Review and its replacement, Highlights of the Week, as well as ad hoc supplemental products from other intelligence organizations and annexes that feature topics of presidential interest.