Preserving the Restoration
There is currently a groundswell of change taking place in Mormonism. Various denominations, including the largest sect, the LDS Church headquartered in Salt Lake City, are confronting serious questions about the truthfulness of their claims to be the "one true" religion. This book deals with many important events and teachings of the restoration through Joseph Smith. Any who either believe or dispute that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and any who are interested in or are participating in the various denominations of Mormonism will benefit from this book. Joseph Smith founded a religion intended to revolutionize the world. He was restoring ancient truths that were lost through apostasy and endeavoring to guide its adherents in establishing a New Jerusalem in the Americas. None of the various Mormon denominations, from the largest to the smallest, have been faithful to Joseph Smith or his revelations, and therefore have little chance of accomplishing the prophesied promises. This book discusses the earliest roots of Mormonism. It relies extensively on early Mormon documents, diaries, journals, contemporary correspondence and contemporary news sources to trace back to the beginning of the Mormon faith. It examines the social, legal and political influences that have reshaped key doctrines in Mormonism. It is an expansion of many of the subjects Denver Snuffer has already written or spoken about in his other materials.