The Craft of Public Administration
The Craft of Public Administration, 11th edition, practically teaches itself. The Craft of Public Administration, is thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded to reflect the growing demand for an introductory textbook that joins in a relevant and practical manner the content of the often mutually reinforcing areas of public administration and nonprofit management. The 11th edition continues to provide the classic collection of essential leadership and administrative notions, theories, and techniques that have formed the academic basis for generations of students majoring in public administration, public policy and nonprofit management. Understanding the need for administrative systems that work effectively in today s rapidly changing world is the strength of this edition of The Craft of Public Administration. In order for a system of public administration to do good for the public, it must be built on the knowledge, training and experiences of past generations. The text emphasizes that students of public administration and nonprofit organization management must be nimble, flexible and creative to deal with change, but still work in a traditional framework of stability, fairness and equality that is expected of our administrative structures and processes. This TURNKEY version of The Craft of Public Administration offers the following instructor friendly resources. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES Lecture slides Chapter quizzes Videos and TED Talks Suggested readings Case studies by chapter Sample syllabi Chapter summaries Available as paperback or e-book TOPICS COVERED Chapter 1: The Administrative Craft Chapter 2: The Ecology of the Administrative Craft Chapter 3: The Anatomy of Public Organizations Chapter 4: The Physiology of Public Organizations Chapter 5: Managing Employees as Assets Chapter 6: Labor-Management Relations Chapter 7: Communication and Leadership Chapter 8: Taxing, Budgeting, and Spending Chapter 9: Working Smarter, Doing More with Less Chapter 10: Admin Law & Government Regulations Chapter 11: Nonprofit & Public Sector Human Resources Management Appendix: Web Sites Index