Managing Emotions: Golf's Next Frontier
If you are a passionate golfer, you can appreciate the pleasurable emotional state associated with playing at the peak of your game. You also understand how emotional blowups or meltdowns can quickly override and undo the results of countless hours of practice. A new, illustrated, 60-page book explains how you can achieve and maintain optimal emotional states for extended periods of time-even in the heat of intense competition. You’ll learn HeartMath’s Quick Coherence® technique for emotional balance and high performance in golf. It’s easily integrated into practice routines, just like chipping, putting, ball striking, etc., and will help you maintain your energy, avoid errors due to emotional judgments and inner turbulence, shoot lower scores, and stay at peak longer.
From the back cover:
"HeartMath tools help golfers recognize how their emotional state changes so quickly, and how they can take charge of that. The Freeze-Framer software gives golfers techniques to control themselves while under pressure and in tense situations both athletically and in life. This is important for high performance." -- Laird Small, 2003 National PGA Teacher of the Year; Top 50 Teacher, Golf Magazine; Top 100 Teacher, Golf Magazine
"The HeartMath techniques took 8 strokes off my golf game within a week of learning them." -- Tom Ryan, golf pro and Director of Integrated Medicine at Columbia St. Mary's Hospital in Wisconsin
"I use the Quick Coherence technique on the golf course, and it always makes my day. It helps me get out of my own way‚ calm my mental chatter, release habitual anxieties, and swing with better rhythm and tempo. It also improves my putting. Thanks to HeartMath and the Freeze-Framer® technology, I am playing better and enjoying my self more on the golf course. I am confident it will work just as well for you, too." -- Michael McTeigue, Author of The Keys to the Effort less Golf Swing, Curing Your Hit in Seven Simple Lessons