Marketing Essentials for Start-Ups & New Business
MARKETING ESSENTIALS FOR START-UPS was put together to give the entrepreneur a fighting chance. It is immediately after take-off that most new businesses are vulnerable. Many times businesses close for reasons the owner knew nothing about. They blame it on the economy. They blame it on the competition. They blame it on the labor force. But it never could have been THEM! More times than not--it was. The overall zeal of running your own business & doing it your own way, is well, just that--yours! You get a great idea for a business, hang a sign on the door, & start selling. Unfortunately, in these days when more than half of all businesses are bankrupt or closed within the first year, your way better be more than just "shooting from the hip" when the doors open in the morning. MARKETING ESSENTIALS FOR START-UPS is a practical guide for implementing a sound business & marketing plan. It includes chapters on Direct Mail, Press Releases, Distribution, Research, Telemarketing, & more. Includes sample plans & agreements for easy editing. Order from Ashley Press, 1911 Sheffield Court, Severn, MD 21144; 410-551-7126.