The History of Haverhill, Massachusetts
(728 pp. Frontispiece, 24 portraits, engravings, maps, etc., incl foldout 1642 Indian deed plus 1851 map in back pocket. 3,000 entry General index and new 7,815 entry Every Name Index. 1997
Chase wrote the definitive history of Haverhill; the standard source for historians of the area for several generations. This new edition, with the added benefit of a new Every Name Index compiled by Picton Press, has been brought out with the support of the Haverhill Historical Society.
Over 50 lists, including early settlers, landholders, marriages, births, deaths, soldiers, public officials, etc., bring the past alive. The new Every Name Index, together with the large general subject index, make all of the data compiled so meticulously by Chase, available to all of us.
The large separate 1861 map in the back pocket was added especially for our reprint. It shows clearly the residences, public and business buildings, roads, graveyards, etc.
This is an important book which should be owned by all researchers interested in Haverhill and its environs.