Elbert County, Georgia Inferior Court Minutes 1809-1850. (Volume #7): The Road Orders
By: Michael A. Ports, Pub. 2020, Vol. 7, (1809-1850): 220 pages, soft Cover, Index, ISBN #0-89308-420-4.
Elbert County was formed in 1790 from Wilkes County. It lies in the Northeasern portion of the state along the Savannah River just across from Anderson and Abbeville Counties, South Carolina. The first settlers started arriving in the area from Virgina and the Carolinas and continued on as land grants were being issued from service in the Revolutionary War. Contrary to the microfilm heading, the records are NOT court minutes; but rather are the records concerning roads and bridges. The records include the orders appointing road commissioners and overseers, petitions to construct new roads and bridges or alter existing ones, and the reports of commissioners regarding the efficacy and public utility of newly proposed roadsand bridges or alterations or repairs to existing ones.