Meek and Lowly
"None is acceptable before God, save the meek and lowly," the prophet Mormon taught. (Moroni 7:44.) Why is meekness such an important requirement for salvation? What does it mean to be meek? How can we attain meekness?
In Meek and Lowly, Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Council of the Twelve Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, discusses this critical-but often misunderstood-principle. "The rigorous requirements of Christian discipleship are clearly unattainable without meekness," he writes. "In fact, meekness is needed in order to be spiritually successful, whether in matters of the intellect, in the management of power, in the dissolution of personal pride, or in coping with the challenges of daily life."
The first step, Elder Maxwell claims, is to take upon us the Savior's yoke and to learn about Him and His teachings. Other requirements are to develop humbleness of mind; to be humble in our dealings with others, particularly those whom we lead; and to overcome the deadly sin of pride. Elder Maxwell also explains the relation between meekness and the grace of God, the blessings that come through being meek, and the examples of meekness found in the lives of prophets both ancient and modern.
"Meekness, though lowly, has its own quiet majesty," he concludes, for "by being yoked to Jesus and His gospel, we are drawn closer to Him. Proximity only increases our meekness."