Tools & Techniques Of Practice Management (The Tools & Techniques) (The Tools & Techniques)
Are you doing the most to maximize your profits and sustainability? Discover detailed steps necessary to effectively run your practice and achieve profitable, client-focused results. This is the industry s first book to address an often-overlooked topic: Business of Financial Planning. In today s increasingly competitive marketplace, fine-tuning your practice management skills is a necessity while allowing more time to cultivate new business and focus on clients. The authors deliver practical insight into selecting a business model as well as the advantages and disadvantages of relevant topics including owning a practice.
Knowledgeable strategies delve into:
Cultivating a practice through hands-on planning processes
Selecting software/hardware based on size & scope
Increasing business through market share & credibility analysis
Evolving a practice to satisfy market demands & new opportunities
Designing a competitive fee structure that yields acceptable profits
Authors David J. Drucker, MBA, CFP® and Joel P. Bruckenstein, CFP®, CFS, CMFC, two of the financial planning industry s preeminent experts in the field of practice management and technology, guide through starting your practice, running a mature practice, selling a practice, and everything you may face in between.
What does practice management do for you? A planner with average technical skills but a clear strategic outlook from within this one book may be far more successful than a good technician who possesses only rudimentary understandings of the Tools & Techniques. An abundance of financial advisory services are available in today s marketplace. Differentiate yourself.
Chapters to feature: the top 12
Creating a plan/finding clients
Selecting a business model
Portfolio construction and management tools
Data Sources, presentation software, and professional news
Client Relationship Management (CRM) Software
Understanding document imaging and management need
Setting a compensation structure
Client survey software
Financial planning software
Developing a target market
Client service
Selling your practice