Love the Work You're With: A Practical Guide to Finding New Joy and Productivity in Your Job
An innovative and effective approach to increasing individual motivation and personal satisfaction in the workplace.
Millions of Americans who have not made a fortune from the Internet boom find themselves doing demanding and stressful work that offers neither contentment nor security, in an environment that is growing leaner and meaner. Now Richard C. Whiteley, a leading expert in business training, presents a clear and practical guide for transforming the workplace from within, helping employee and employer alike to realize a greater sense of satisfaction on the job.
Throughout his professional life, Whiteley has explored means of bringing greater professional fulfillment and motivation to the office setting. His commonsense approach, built around six fundamental principles and brought home here in dozens of hands-on exercises, centers on eliminating common roadblocks to personal growth and success.
For professionals at all levels -- from employees who seek a more satisfying career to executives who need their staff members to be focused and engaged -- Love the Work You're With will be an invaluable resource.