Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right: A 5-Step Program to Turn Your Dreams into Reality
Making dreams come true is everyone?s fantasy. You know you need to set a goal, but how do you do it? Once you?ve defined a goal for yourself, how do you achieve it? And what can you do about all the obstacles that stand in your way? Don Gabor?s newest book, Big Things Happen When You Do the Little Things Right, presents an easy-to-follow, five-step process that will help you realize your most ambitious personal and professional goals.This practical, hands-on guide shows you how to make a commitment, identify your obstacles, and overcome the fear of failure. Discover ways to organize all the steps leading to your goal, activate your plans, enhance your creative skills, and pace yourself to go the distance. Each chapter offers tips, advice, and fun exercises that motivate, instruct, and inspire you to accomplish your dreams.