ASHE Reader on Planning and Institutional Research
This reader is designed for higher education programs and for institutions with planning and/or institutional research offices or staff that have a need for professional training and development.
The articles in the reader were selected from a diverse range of sources that represent a wealth of well-know and respected scholars and practitioners in the field. Most of the selections were chosen for their significance as research based, conceptual or synthesis literature. The reader's editors have provided a well-rounded coverage which reflects the broad current models and approaches to planning and the roles of institutional research. In addition, an extensive and up-to-date Other Resources section includes "Related Higher Education Reference Books and Related Publication," as well as descriptions of relevant "Data Base Resources," "Periodic Data Reports," and "Related Professional Associations."
Features include:
- Offers comprehensive coverage in the field of planning and institutional research
- Addresses significant and substantive issues
- Presents a well-focused overview on planning and instructional research in the introduction
- Contains useful selections for in-service and professional development
- Selections were chosen through an extensive literature search and review - primarily from higher education literature
- Provides extensive information on other related resources
- Includes a special section on "Using the Internet"