Market Segmentation : How to Do It, How to Profit From It - Second Edition
This is a major revision of the highly successful first edition of Market Segmentation. In today's marketplace, effectively segmenting the market in order to target profitable customers is key to many companies' own profitability and growth. First published in 1995, this book was the first of its kind to help practitioners tackle this issue head on, providing step-by-step guidance through the difficult terrain of market segmentation. Since its publication the authors have further extended their experience, working with numerous international companies successfully segmenting their markets, experience which is reflected in this edition.
Market Segmentation, 2nd edition is written in an even more accessible style and incorporates valuable lessons learnt from working with a wide range of companies in a variety of markets over many years. Containing a new worked case study, this book provides practical guidance to the subject and is a must-read for all business professionals.