Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations (Book Only)
Expect superior, balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative marketing research with this market-leading text from respected marketing authorities Dr. Dawn Iacobucci and Dr. Gilbert Churchill. Recognized as the classic authority for today's marketing research, MARKETING RESEARCH: METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS, Tenth Edition, ensures the reader develops a strong conceptual as well as practical understanding of marketing research as it's practiced today. The book's thorough coverage of the six stages of the research process provides a solid marketing research framework while addressing topics and tools of emerging importance. New Qualtrics™ research activities and coverage of SPSS 17 offer first-hand practice with some of the most popular online survey tools used in business today. With its proven applications, clear presentation, and variety of timely cases, MARKETING RESEARCH: METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS, Tenth Edition, serves as an exceptional learning tool for today's learners and as an invaluable reference tool for professionals throughout their careers.