Total Fitness and Wellness (5th Edition)
KEY BENEFITt: Thoroughly revised and updated to be relevant, approachable, and appealing, Powers and Dodd's Total Fitness & Wellness, Fifth Edition gives students a solid foundation in fitness and lifetime wellness, while teaching them how to make healthy behavioral changes and lifestyle choices. The Fifth Edition combines the latest research in exercise science, expanded coverage of behavior change, and exciting new features with the most comprehensive supplements package in the market to make a book instructors and students alike will enjoy using. Understanding Fitness and Wellness, General Principles of Exercise for Health and Fitness, Cardiorespiratory Endurance: Assessment and Prescription, Improving Muscular Strength and Endurance, Improving Flexibility, Body Composition, Nutrition, Health, and Fitness, Exercise, Diet, and Weight Control, Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Stress Management, Exercise and the Environment, Prevention of Exercise-Related and Unintentional Injuries, Cancer, Sexually Transmitted Infections, Addictive Substances, Life Time Fitness. For those interested in learning the basics of fitness and wellness.