Instructor's Manual and Test Bank for Social Gerontology (A Multidisciplinary Perspective)
This is intended to assist the instructor in designing lesson plans and lectures for topic covered in this edition of the textbook "Social Gerontology": A Multidisciplinary Perspective." A glossary of key terms and concepts has been developed for each chapter of this manual, identical to the glossary at the end of each chapter in the textbook. In addition, several discussion topics have been included for each chapter to aid the instructor in generating class discussion and essay questions for examinations. A series of multiple choice and true/false questions are also included for each chapter. These questions focus on the key concepts presented in the book. The Instructor will also find a Resource Directory of organizations, periodicals, and newsletters in the field of gerontology at the end of this manual. To the extent possible, Web Sites for these organizations and periodical publishers have been included.