Merit Pay: Linking Pay Increases to Performance Ratings (ADDISON-WESLEY SERIES ON MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES)
Of all U.S. organizations, 80 percent now use merit pay. In his book, Robert Henemann summarizes current research which can be used to develop new merit-pay plans, or to increase the effectiveness of existing plans. He also shows how performance-appraisal research should be expanded to include certain situational factors, such as the administrative purpose of the appraisal, organizational politics, the type of organization, and the goals of the compensation systems. Major sections of the book include an assessment of the desirability and feasibility of the merit pay, development and administration of a merit-pay plan, and the evaluation of relevant outcomes. Henemann's book is a summary of the current knowledge of merit pay that emphasizes three perspectives: a balanced perspective, an interdisciplinary perspective, and recommendations for merit pay policy and practice.