Response to Intervention (RTI) and English Learners: Making It Work
This newest resource, from The SIOP Model series authors Jana Echevarria and MaryEllen Vogt, assists all mainstream teachers and administrators to design effective RTI programs, using the SIOP Model, providing the appropriate type of instruction that English Learners need and deserve. Response to Intervention (RTI) and English Learners: Making it Happen, written to assist teachers and administrators to better meet the needs of the increasing group of English Learner students in U.S. schools, includes background on Response to Intervention, explains the linguistic and academic issues that English Learners face, and covers appropriate and effective Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions for English Learners using the eight components of the SIOP Model. The book provides use-tomorrow ideas and activities for implementing these eight components of the SIOP Model in an RTI framework; with special consider